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Fat-away injection

Against annoying fat pads & fat rolls

Everything at a glance

What is the fat-away injection?

Our body makes provisions for bad times whenever possible. Subcutaneous fatty tissue is stored close under the skin, creating fat rolls and fat deposits. The distribution of these fat reserves is genetically predetermined and cannot be satisfactorily altered by exercise or dieting. Weight loss only leads to a reduction in fatty tissue. After stopping the diet, subsequent weight gain leads to the reappearance of fat deposits in exactly the same places.

Fat pads and fat deposits that do not disappear through diet and dietary changes or through exercise and sport can be melted away in a targeted and permanent way with the fat removal injection.

A desirable side effect of the treatment is the tightening of the tissue, as the skin contracts during the fat reduction process.

8 out of 10 patients are satisfied with the result of the treatment

Optimal results can be achieved with smaller areas of fat on the stomach, hips, “love handles”, chin, the anterior axillary fold (in the area of the bikini straps), the “bull neck” and lipomas (fat tumors). The results of the treatment are usually clearly visible after just 4-6 weeks.

And the best thing is: once the fat cells have been eliminated from the body, they don’t come back!

In order to benefit from the treatment in the long term, it is always beneficial to integrate exercise and a healthy diet into daily life.

General weight reduction and obesity itself cannot be treated with the fat-away injection!

How does treatment with the fat-away injection work?

In my practice I use the active ingredient phosphatidylcholine (a natural substance obtained from soybeans) and L-carnithine. Both active ingredients efficiently support lipolysis, the breakdown of fat cells.

First, the affected treatment areas are marked on the standing patient. The active ingredient is then injected into the intended areas of the body – directly into the fatty tissue – with the finest needle material while the patient is lying down. And since there are no nerves in the fatty tissue, the injections are virtually painless. The treatment only takes a few minutes. Additional anesthesia is not necessary.

How many treatments are necessary?

The number of treatments depends on the size of the fat deposits and the individual reaction of the tissue. Each patient receives a customized treatment plan. Individually tailored to the skin and tissue condition, localization of the fat deposits and the amount that needs to be removed.

Optimal are 2-4 treatments at intervals of 3 weeks.